For pick-up and return in Japan For pick-up and return in Japan

Select the country/region you want to use

Quick Pick-Up at Airports in United States

We are available in major airports (LAX).

More locations will open soon.

Click below to find out.



  • Stay Connected. Stay Charged.

    • One single unit works as both portable Wi-Fi and power bank.
    • Booking, pick-up and drop-off are just easy.
    • All rental procedures are completely contactless
  • Stable and Trustworthy Connection Wherever You Are.

    • Plans are available for 130 countries and regions.
    • Unlimited plans allow you to connect as long as you like. No worries!

Only 4 steps

Book on WiFiBOX website, scan the QR code at your desired location, and pick up your Wi-Fi unit.

Step 01

Book on WiFiBOX Website

Booking can be completed just by choosing a data plan along with the rental duration.

Last minute booking, right on your departure date is also possible. You can pick up the pocket Wi-Fi anytime during business hours of the airport counter.

Step 02

Scan the QR Code

With your smartphone, click the URL in the "Guide for picking-up" email and scan the QR code on WiFiBOX.

Click pick-up button for the final step.

Step 03

Your Rental Begins

Pick up the pocket Wi-Fi and your rental service begins immediately.

Now you are ready to travel smart!

The rental item is the Wi-Fi main unit only. Please prepare USB Type-A charger for your smartphone in advance to charge the main unit.

Step 04

Slot it back and all set!

Welcome back!

To return your pocket Wi-Fi, just slot it back to a WiFiBOX housing nearby. After you hear a click, your return process is all done.

What's New

  • Notice on Change of Terms of Service

    Thank you for using WiFiBOX. We would like to inform you that on June 17, 2024, we will be revising the “Basic Terms of WiFiBOX Mobile Communication Device Rental Service”....

    Notice on Change of Terms of Service

    Thank you for using WiFiBOX. We would like to inform you that on June 17, 2024, we will be revising the “Basic Terms of WiFiBOX Mobile Communication Device Rental Service”....

  • Systems Maintenance Notice

    Thank you for using WiFiBOX. We would like to inform you that system maintenance will be performed during the following schedule. During the maintenance period, reservations and pick-ups will be...

    Systems Maintenance Notice

    Thank you for using WiFiBOX. We would like to inform you that system maintenance will be performed during the following schedule. During the maintenance period, reservations and pick-ups will be...

  • Systems Maintenance Notice(US store)

    Thank you for using WiFiBOX. We would like to inform that a system maintenance will be performed during the following schedule. During the maintenance period, orders and pick-ups will be...

    Systems Maintenance Notice(US store)

    Thank you for using WiFiBOX. We would like to inform that a system maintenance will be performed during the following schedule. During the maintenance period, orders and pick-ups will be...

  • Systems Maintenance Notice

    Always Thank you for using WiFiBOX.Please be informed that our website will undergo system maintenance on the date and time shown below.You will not be able to "Order, Pick up,...

    Systems Maintenance Notice

    Always Thank you for using WiFiBOX.Please be informed that our website will undergo system maintenance on the date and time shown below.You will not be able to "Order, Pick up,...

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