CO+HOOTS Coworking(Phoenix)

WiFiBOX Application at CO+HOOTS Coworking(Phoenix)Same-day application and same-day pickup OK for WiFiBOX (Wi-Fi rental) at CO+HOOTS Coworking(Phoenix).

Reserve WiFiBOX now!

WiFiBOX is an self Wi-Fi rental service that you can apply for and receive on the spot. It takes only about 5 minutes from application to pick up. This service is convenient for those who have a sudden overseas trip, have not yet applied for Wi-Fi at CO+HOOTS Coworking(Phoenix), or want to apply while traveling to CO+HOOTS Coworking(Phoenix). For international and domestic trips departing from Fujiya market, for returning home, for business and for events.
The WiFiBOX can also be used as a mobile battery, so you don't have to worry about the unexpected situation when the battery runs out.

CO+HOOTS Coworking(Phoenix)

Exterior view Counter name Business hours Map
CO+HOOTS Coworking(Phoenix) Mon-Fri: 9am - 6pm
Reserve WiFiBOX now!

About Reserving, Receiving, and Returning Wi-Fi at CO+HOOTS Coworking(Phoenix)

  1. Wi-Fi Rental Reservation
    Detail page>
  2. Wi-Fi Router Pickup
    Detail page>
  3. Wi-Fi Router Return
    Detail page>
  4. Extend Rental Period
    Detail page>

Internet communication and QR reading functions are required to reserve and receive Wi-Fi, so you will need to have your own smartphone's communication and camera functions. If you do not have access to a Wi-Fi connection, please use the free Wi-Fi provided by municipalities, airports, train stations, coffee shops, etc.